domenica 25 marzo 2012

ZaGo aND YouR FRieND aRT eXHiBiTioN FoR eMeRGeNCy

_guroga e Zago 100x70 cm Quella Carezza della sera 2011
Ina Ripari e G.M.Zago cm 100x70 Sospesi su un'esile filo di speranza 2011
Enzo Correnti e G.M.Zago cm 100x70 Sull'altare della divinita del fuoco 2011

Browse "Zago and Your Friends" paintings

Artwork will be on sale at £350 each. To reserve or purchase a painting please click on BUY (below each image) to send an email to On your email please specify the artwork number, the artist's name and the title.

Each paiting is 100cm x 70cm.

Win one of the 100 artworks! ONLINE raffle: tickets are £10 each. We will find out about the winner at the opening night, Saturday 26 November. To purchase raffle tickets

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