_guroga e Zago 100x70 cm Quella Carezza della sera 2011
Ina Ripari e G.M.Zago cm 100x70 Sospesi su un'esile filo di speranza 2011
Enzo Correnti e G.M.Zago cm 100x70 Sull'altare della divinita del fuoco 2011
Browse "Zago and Your Friends" paintings
Artwork will be on sale at £350 each. To reserve or purchase a painting please click on BUY (below each image) to send an email to info@emergencyuk.org. On your email please specify the artwork number, the artist's name and the title.
Each paiting is 100cm x 70cm.
Win one of the 100 artworks! ONLINE raffle: tickets are £10 each. We will find out about the winner at the opening night, Saturday 26 November. To purchase raffle tickets email:office@emergencyuk.org.
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